The 7 Best Pegasus Opera 3 Features You Forgot All About

With such an extensive list of features and functions, it’s relatively easy to lose track of every single action that can be carried out in Opera 3. While all serve a purpose, and all are useful in different ways, some occasionally fall by the wayside and simply fail to make it into our daily operation of the Opera 3 software.

While no one expects you to be interested in (or in any way benefit from) utilising every single last feature of Opera 3, we feel there are some incredibly useful functions that most users are simply forgetting to make the most of.

We spoke to Rachelle Gray, one of our resident Pegasus experts here at HBP to get her thoughts on some of this list and get the run down on the ways you can benefit from utilising these features in your software.

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pegasus opera 3 features

Feature 1: Views Function

Ever the advocates of saving time and making a job as easy as it can possibly be, we’ll start you off with the Views Function – one of Rachelles favourites and something we think can change the way you use your software for the best. “The views in each of the financial modules are a fantastic feature that can give you a quick and easy run down of your business information without having to go through the process of creating a report.” Simple, but effective – never create unnecessary reports again!

Feature 2: Microsoft Office Compatibility

Microsoft Office compatibility and integration is a key feature of Opera 3 – so it is much to Rachelle’s dismay that she finds users are often forgetting to use it to its full capabilities: “The export function to Excel documents in Pegasus Opera 3 – that was actually a reason that a lot of people upgraded but it’s not as well utilised as it could be.” The advice? Make those spreadsheets people, you’ll thank us later.

Feature 3: Debtors Letters

Among the expansive list of features that Opera 3 can offer your finance department, Rachelle recommends Debtors Letters as a key function, often overlooked by users. “Not many people are aware that the system as standard, even without the credit management module, can create three different levels of debtors Letters that will actually be sent out to your customers based on the level of debt that customer is at. These can be customisable for factors like their employment, and the wording you use based on severity of the letter.”

Feature 4: Hidden Reports

Rather fitting for an article about elusive and overlooked Opera 3 functions is the Hidden reports function: “When you’re on the main screen there’s a little toolbar for Hidden reports and a lot of people forget that that’s available. If it’s highlighted for use that means there is a report to run, this report is based on the information that’s available on screen.” Hidden in plain sight: another timesaving tip you shouldn’t miss out on!

Feature 5: Retrospective Reports

Another key function that users may find invaluable in Opera 3 are retrospective reports: “In Opera 3 there’s also the retrospective debtors and creditors reports that a lot of people forget about because in Opera II it wasn’t available so not many people have used it. But in Opera 3 you can report retrospectively which is really handy if you need it for audit purposes or for checking out information from a certain date.”

Feature 6: Historical Stock Evaluation

Following on from this, the ability to go back and view the history of your stock may prove incredibly useful for companies who wish to track and backdate the flow of stock through their business. “There’s also a historical stock evaluation that most people don’t switch on and that’s to record your actual stock evaluation on a certain date and create a retrospective report.”

Feature 7: Landed Costs

Expanding on stock evaluation options, Rachelle also finds users often miss out on the full range of stock features in Opera 3: “Stock also has landed costs if you wanted to record the shipping and packaging values on stock. That’s again not used very often but it’s a great feature if you do have proper shipping and container costs.”

To talk to an expert about Pegasus Opera 3 be sure to get in touch with us here.

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